some people never seem to think about it. Others hope they will go to Heaven. Many assume they will. Others don't think
they will. Still others know they won't.
I Can relate to all these.
As a
child, I either assumed I would go to Heaven or never actually thought about it. Out of curiousity I began reading the new
testament when I was in the six grade.
As I read, my assumptions dwindled steadily downward from
thinking I wouldn't make it finally knowing I wasn't ready for heaven.
The alarming words of Jesus gripped me:
"Unless a man is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God" and
" Unless a man is born of water and the Spirit he cannot enter the kingdom of God." ( John 3:3,5 niv)
I knew I had never be born again-
so if I couldn't enter Heaven, that meant ....... if I died, I'd go to hell. Naturally, I wanted to get born again-but
I didn't know how.
Bible says, " I write these things so that you may KNOW that you have eternal life." (1 John 5:13 niv)
When you receive eternal life, YOU KNOW
IT. It is as different as night and day. The day I recieve eternal life was like standing up into a different world. I was
flooded with INTENSE and JOY and the weight of my sins was lifted immediately as if ten tons had been taken off my spirit.
I've known ever since that if I die I'd go to heaven.
God wants you to have that same
confidence - to know you, too,have eternal life - the life and nature of God within you now with the full assurance of a home(mansion)
in heaven.